Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

Please note, this article focuses on an Event Host's Remo Account. As a guest at a Remo event, the only page you can access would be Joined Events

Accessing my Remo Account:

To get to your Remo account, you need to first log in over here

If you don't have a Remo account, you can set up an account by following these instructions

My Events Dashboard:

When you log in, you will land on your My Events page.

On your My Events dashboard, you'll be able to see all your ongoing, upcoming, and past Remo events.

To quickly navigate through all your created Events, you can expand and collapse the ongoing, upcoming, and past sections as you need (just click the downward arrow):

Creating a New Event:

To create a new event, follow the instructions here ✨ 

Editing an Existing Event:

Events can be edited by pressing the pencil icon on the upper right corner of the event card

Updating your Profile:

If you would like to update your profile, click your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of your screen, and select 'My Profile'.

For more information about updating your profile, check out this article.


Press the 'What's new?' button in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to find out more about our latest updates.

Where can I find support:

There are two ways to contact Remo Support:

Contact Remo support team from your account by clicking the "need help buton" on the bottom left corner

​If you are inside the event, you can contact our support team by clicking on the chat icon top right corner

Alternatively, on the right-hand side, you can use our Success Hub to access various support resources we have:

  • Help Center
  • Success Lab
  • Videos Tutorials
  • Live Tutorials

Joined Events:

Your Joined Events page lists all the Remo Events you've attended in the past. These events are sorted by your Ongoing and Past events.

You can navigate to your Joined Events page by clicking the menu button (3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner of your screen) and selecting 'Joined Events'.

Account Settings:

Your Account Settings is where you control account-level details like your subscription plan, inviting your team, company information, and more.

To access your Account Settings, click the menu button (3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner of your screen) and select 'Account Settings'.

Please note, some settings are only accessible by the Account Owner

Now you're all set up to start running your events on Remo! ✨