Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

Your event successfully ended! 


What can you do now?

1. Create a duplicate of your event if you need to host it periodically. This way you don't have to set it up all over again

- Enter your profile

- Go to Past events

- Press the 3 dots in the upper right corner of your event image

- Select the 'Clone this event' option

The following data will not be copied: Start and end time, Speakers, Attendee list, Content Banners, Event Assistants, Chat, Stream and Custom Registration questions.

2. Download presentation recordings (if you've recorded them)

- Enter your profile

- Go to Past events

- Press the pencil icon in the upper right corner of your event image

- Select the 'Post Event' tab

- Scroll down to the Presentation Recordings section

- Press the Download button 

3. Download the guest statistics of your event

- Enter your profile

- Go to Past events

- Press the pencil icon in the upper right corner of your event image

- Select the 'Post Event' tab

- Scroll down to the Export Guest List section

- Press the Export List button 

4. Download the questions submitted by your guests

- Enter your profile

- Go to Past events

- Press the pencil icon in the upper right corner of your event image

- Select the 'Post Event' tab

- Scroll down to the Submitted Questions section

- Press the Export Questions button