Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

During Presentation Mode, Event Hosts and Speakers can share a video through Youtube, Twitch, and Vimeo. Here's how you can do that:

1. Click on the 'More' button located at the bottom of the screen and then click 'Share Video'.

2. Copy the URL of the video you want to share with your guests

For Youtube videos, you must make sure the video owner has allowed embedding in the video's Youtube settings:
1. Ask the video owner to go to their Youtube Studio account, and click 'Content'
2. Find the video you'd like to play, and click the pencil icon to further edit the video's settings
3. Scroll down and select 'Show more' to access the advanced settings.
4. Under 'License and distribution', ensure the box for 'Allow embedding' is checked

5. Click 'Save' in the upper right corner of your screen to save your changes.

For Vimeo videos, to retrieve the video link, please click the Share button in the upper right corner of the video, and retrieve the video link from the Embed code ( as pictured below:

3. Go to your Remo tab and go on Presentation mode. Click the "more" button click on the "share video".

4. Paste the URL in the box provided, and click 'Play Now' 

If you would like your guests to have access to the video controls (such as pause, fast forward, rewind, or closed captions) then make sure to check the box below the video link

When you share your video, it will be played automatically to all guests in the event

5.  The video will then be displayed on the presentation screen.

PRO TIP: Remind all speakers on stage to turn off their camera and microphone and remove themselves from the stage when the video is played

6. If you want to remove the video from the screen after your guests have finished watching it, click on the 'More' button and then click 'Share Video' again

There you have it ✨

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