Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

Finished with your latest Remo event? Now it's time for you to pull together the data and analytics from your event.

And your Guest List is one of the best data pieces you can get. So, in this article, we'll explain how to Interpret your Exported Guest List.

Remember though, your Guest List will give you the data and analytics for the guests at your event, not for speakers or event hosts

First things first though... how do you export your Post-Event Guest List??

For the best information, make sure you're exporting from the 'Post-Event' Tab in your Event Settings. Here's how:

1. Find your event in your My Events Dashboard.

TIP: Your event's likely to be in the 'Past Events' section of your dashboard so go ahead and collapse the 'Ongoing' and 'Upcoming events' sections.

2. Click on the pencil icon in the upper right-hand corner of your event card.

3. Click on 'Advanced' select the 'Post-Event' tab and click 'Export List'.

4. Your Guest List should begin downloading onto your device now!

We strongly recommend only downloading this data after your event, otherwise, the exported data may not show accurate reports

Now, how do you interpret the information on this Post-Event Guest List?

  • Full Name: This is the full name of the user (as indicated by their own user profile/ virtual business card).
  • Email: The email the guest used to register for the event with.
  • Invited: This column indicates how the guest was invited. The options are as follows:
    • Yes - You have sent an invitation email, however, the guest has not confirmed their attendance
    • Joined when public - Your event is Public, and the guest joined directly through the Event Registration Page (i.e. not through an invitation email)
    • Confirmed Attendance - Either the guest clicked 'Accept Invitation' from their email invite and confirmed their spot -or- your event is Private, and one of your guests confirms their attendance directly on the Event Registration Page (i.e. not through an invitation email)
  • Registered: This column indicates whether or not the guest has successfully registered for the event:
    • Yes - The guest has clicked 'Register for Event' on the Event Landing Page
    • No - The guest has not 'Register for Event' on the Event Landing Page
  • Attended: This column indicates whether or not the guest has actually attended the event:
    • Yes - The guest has entered into the event space once the event began
    • No - The guest never entered into the event space once the event began
  • Event: This is the Event Title.
  • Registered At: This column displays the exact time the guest has registered for the event. Times are displayed according to your device's current timezone (also indicated in the column header for convenience).
  • Login Time: This column captures the very first time the guest enters the event space. Times are displayed according to your device's current timezone (also indicated in the column header for convenience).
  • Logout Time: This column captures the very last time the guest leaves the event space. Times are displayed according to your devices current timezone (also indicated in the column header for convenience)
  • Time Spent: This column shows the guest's total "active" minutes in the event, which refers to the amount of time the guest is actually present in that event space.

Let's take a look at an example...

Say you had two events running at the same time - Event A and Event B.

If a user enters into Event A at 10:00 AM, stays for 10 minutes, and then leaves to go to Event B. In Event B, that same user stays for 30 minutes and then returns back to Event A for a further 10 minutes. The relevant login and logout times for this user would be recorded as follows:

In Event A's Guest List:

Login Time: 10:00 AM

Logout Time: 10:50 AM

Time Spent: 20 minutes (10 active minutes in the beginning, and 10 active minutes in the end)

In Event B's Guest List:

Login Time: 10:10 AM

Logout Time: 10:40 AM

Time Spent: 30 minutes

So, the "active" minutes would refer to the amount of time they are actually present in that event space. Taking the example above, the user is not actually present in Event A from 10:10 AM to 10:40 AM, so this would not get recorded as time spent. Only, the time they have actually spent in Event A would get recorded, so in the above case - 20 minutes.

Common Questions??

  • Why are my login, logout, and time spent columns blank for some guests?

This could be for three reasons!

1) The guest registered for the event, but then did not end up actually showing up for it. In this case, in the Attended column, it should say 'No' to indicate the guest did not attend the event, therefore there are no statistics for login, logout, or time spent.

2) The guest registered AND attended the event (both the Registered and Attended columns show 'Yes'), however, the guest stays for less than 1 minute. In this case, as the guest did not stay for a long enough period of time, these details (login, logout, and time spent) are not captured and reported.

3) The guest was actually invited as a speaker for your event. As of now, we do not collect login, logout, or time spent information for speakers or event hosts.

For speakers, information about whether or not they have registered and/or attended is available in your Speakers List (this can be accessed through your 'Event Settings' > 'Invitations' > 'Speakers')

  • I'm running simultaneous events, are the Guest Lists automatically combined?

At the moment Guest Lists are not combined even across simultaneous events. It is one Guest List per event. If you'd like to combine them together, you would need to manually do this, and remember only the very first time the guest enters the space, the very last time they leave the space, and the total active time spent in the space are recorded.

  • Why is the "time spent" different from the duration between the "login" and "logout" time?

Remember the time spent column indicates the number of minutes a guest is active within the event space. 

Therefore, if the guest first enters the event space at 10:00, stays for 10 minutes, and then leaves again at 10:10. And then this same guest re-enters at 10:20, stays for another 10 minutes, and then leaves for good. 

The login time is the very first time the guest entered, so in this case 10:00. The logout time is the very last time the guest left, so 10:30 in this example. However, the total time spent is not 30 minutes (the difference between the login and logout time), it is actually 20 minutes, because the guest was only active for the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes. In other words, the time when the guest was not in the event does not get recorded.

  • Is the profile/ business card information of the guest also shown in the Exported Guest List?

At the moment this information is not recorded on the Guest List, and cannot be downloaded from the Post-Event Reports.