Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

Your event has successfully ended! 

Congratulations! ✨

But did you know... you can still use the Landing Page to...

1. Invite customers to your next event or let them know you'll be hosting another meeting soon!

Check out this blog post for some ideas for how you can transform your one event into a full series to build excitement around your brand, a better experience for your guests, and more revenue for your business!

2. Share links to a survey, a booking link, or just your website (using the Event Page Description - remember you can edit this after your event too!)

3. Share a QR code or link to your website (by changing the Event/ Cover Image)

4. Share your sponsors' contacts and booking links! (again using the Event Page Description)

5. Instead of just emailing the event recording to your guests, share the link to it through the Event Page Description

6. Best of all, express your gratitude to your guests with a Thank You letter (you can either use the Event Page Description or change the Event/ Cover Image to a 'Thank You' image)

... and so much more!!!

The Landing Page of an old event can become part of your sales funnel or become a Thank You page after the event!

Just get creative! 

Remember that if you delete the event, the landing page will be deleted too!