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Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

Looking to understand your Remo Event link some more? Well, you've come to the right place!

Here's everything you need to know about your Event link:

1. Event links are generated automatically and based on the title of the event.

2. Event links can't be edited.

If you edit the title of an event, the link won't be changed.

3. URL's are unique, therefore they cannot be repeated (even if you've deleted the event). 

If the title of an event is repeated, the URL will be the title of the event with "-1", "-2", and so on added to the end of it.

Simultaneous events with the same title will be....

If you ever want a URL for your event that is not obvious or easy to find, you first set your event title using random numbers and digits, like a code: 

Example: ASDNRDFsjsk@#$RDSG

The URL will be generated based on the first title you set. 

Afterwards, you can change your event title to whatever you really want your event to be called (and your URL will still be based on the random numbers and digits you used for your original event title!) 

How can I get the link to the Landing page of my event?

Remember that a landing page will be automatically generated after you create your event, based on the information you put in your 'Event Details' (check out this article for more information!)

Directly after your event is created:

  • After your event is created, a notification will appear on the right-hand side of your screen. To get the URL for your Landing page, you can either: 
    • click 'Copy link' directly from the notification
    • click 'View Event Landing Page' and copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

Sometime after your event is created:

  • Find your event in your My Events dashboard and click the 3 dots in the right upper corner of the event card. Then you can either:
    • Press 'Copy invite URL' to copy the link directly
    • Press 'View Event Landing Page' and copy the URL from your browser's address bar.