Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

Did you know that you can add Team Members to your Remo Account???

By adding Team Members, you can grant more people Event Host access (to help you with event setup AND running the event) without sharing your login credentials.

You can check out this article for the differences between an Account Owner and a Team Member

Depending on which plan you're subscribed to, you will have access to a certain number of Team Member positions for your account. Please check out our pricing page here for more information on this

There are two types of Team Members you can add:

  • Event Manager: who has Event Host access to ALL of your events
  • Event Assistant: who has Event Host access to ONLY designated events

If you're not sure what we mean by Event Host access, check out this quick article on the different types of roles at Remo

Here's how you can add a Team Member to help you manage your event(s):

Please note, only Remo Account Owners are able to add Team Members

1. Log in to your account at Click on your profile on top right corner.

2. Click ‘Organization Settings’, under Company profile, you will be able to see Add Team member option.

3. In the Team Members section, click the ‘Add Team Member’ button

Hover over the information icon next to Team Members to find out how many team members your plan allows for

4. Type in the email address of the person you would like to invite as a Team Member, and select their 'Role'. Once you've selected this, click 'Add  Member'

Please note that you cannot add an email that is already associated as a Team Member for another Remo Account. Please ask the user you'd like to invite as a Team Member to ask their Account Owner to remove them as a Team Member first.

5. Once added, the email address will be listed in the Team Members section and will be tagged as 'Pending'. You can let your pending team member know to accept the invitation sent to their email. They will be directed to login.

Invitation emails will only be sent if this is the first time that Team Member is being added to the Remo Account.

6. Once the new Team Member accepts the invitation, the ‘Pending’ tag will be removed and they can now view and manage either all or designated events using their account (depending on the Access Level you've given them)

7. If you would like to change the Access Level of a team member (Event Manager: access to all events or Event Assistant: access to designated events only), click the inverted triangle under the Access Level column next to their name, and select from the dropdown menu.

8. If you have selected someone to be an Event Assistant, you can also select or change the events this person has Event Host access to by clicking the inverted triangle in the Event Permission column and selecting from the dropdown menu.

9. To remove an account as a Team Member, click the inverted triangle under the Access Level column next to their name, and select the ‘Remove Account’ button from the dropdown menu.

Now that you know the basics of how to invite someone as a Team Member to your Remo account, you may have some questions, so here are the frequently asked questions about Team Members in Remo:

  • How do I change someone's role permissions?

Only the Account Owner can add or remove Event Managers and Event Assistants. 

When logged in as the Account Owner, click on the three horizontal lines at the upper left corner of your screen. The left side panel appears.

Click on 'Account Settings' > 'Company Profile'. You'll see an area called Team Members

You can change team members’ role permissions by clicking the inverted triangle in the Access Level column (see Step 6 above).

  • How long does it take to upgrade / downgrade someone's role permissions?

Changes in role permissions are immediate. If the person whose role has changed is currently in an event, they will need to refresh their browser for the change to take effect.

  • I just changed my colleague's role permissions, but it's not reflected in their account. How do I fix this?

This will only happen if your colleague is currently in an event. They just need to refresh their browser and their role permissions will update

  • Are there notifications for role permission upgrades/downgrades?
If the team member has never been added to the Remo account, their assigned role will be mentioned in the invitation email. Otherwise, team members won't be notified of changes in their roles.

  • How do you determine which events an Event Assistant has access to?

In the Team Member section, there is a column labeled Event Permission. This column will tell you which events each team member has access to (see Step 7 above).

  • If I add team member "A" as an Event Assistant to two separate events, does that use 1 or 2 Event Assistant slots?

This only uses 1 Event Assistant slot. The number of Event Assistant slots is allotted per account, not per event.

  • Who can change role permissions for team members?

Only the Remo Account Owner can change role permissions. That means both Event Managers and Event Assistants CAN NOT change role permissions for other Team Members. 

  • Where can I check my Event Manager / Assistant limits?

Right under the heading for the Team Members section, you will see an information icon. If you hover over the icon you will be able to see how many Team Members your plan currently allows for: 

And there you have it! Everything you need to know about Team Members for your Remo Account!

To get advice and answers to questions you have for your specific situation, join us inside the Remo Revolution Community