Relevant to: | Guests | Speakers | Event Managers & Assistants | Account Owners |
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If you are hosting a private event, the invitation process is slightly different, so please check out this article on how to invite guests to your private event.
If you're hosting a public event, here are some options for you:
A. Admin Page
You can find a URL to your event registration page under the 'My Events' page.
On the events page:
1. You will find a list of events
2. If you hover over an event image you will find three dots in the top right-hand corner
3. Click on the three dots and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the 'Copy Invite URL' option and share this with your guests.
B. Create Event Pop-Up
After you finish creating an event, a pop-up now appears where you can access the event link and more.
1. Create your event (for detailed instructions check out this article)
2. Click 'Save and Publish Event' after filling in all the details
3. A pop-up should now appear on the right-hand side of your screen. Here you can copy the event URL and share this with guests, or alternatively, you can click the social media buttons to share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter
C. Send Invitation Emails
- Click on 'Invitations' and then 'Scroll down' in the event settings
- Enter the email of your guests individually in the box and click 'Add to Guest List'
- You can also upload a 'CSV' file

How to upload a CSV file:
We recommend you creating and publishing an event before adding your CSV file as this will give you an overview of which emails are already added on the list.
1. Please make sure to convert your excel sheet to a 'CSV' file type:
2. All emails should be placed on Column A. Emails that are located on different columns or rows will not be detected.
3. Click on the 'add to guestlist' button to confirm the list of emails added.
Please note, always click 'add to guest list' button each time you upload a file in order to save the action. If you missed clicking and try to add another 'CSV' file, the first batch will NOT be saved and it will be replaced by your 2nd file.
You can invite up to 3 times your guest capacity, however the actual number that can attend your event is limited based on your plan
(If you need to invite more than your plan permits, we offer specialized plans as well, please refer to our pricing page here for details about this)
4. An email invitation will then be sent out with a link to the registration page for guests.
If you would like to send your own email, you can do this by unchecking the box 'Send invitation emails', but remember to include the event URL when you do this.
If your event is full and a guest tries to join, they will be redirected to the registration page and shown a message letting them know the event is now full as shown below:
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