Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

A user is someone that has created an account with Remo! 

We have different types of users. Check out some differences between them here!

Event Manager 
(Team Member)
Event Assistant 
(Team Member)
Create an Event

Invite Guests to an Event

Delete an Event

Join the Event before the Start Time
Edit Profile, Add Contact Information
*How to edit your profile?
Move freely between tables in Conversation Mode
Join a table even if it is full*
(*provided the floor plan has a host seat)

Turn on the Camera and Microphone during Conversation Mode
Send Messages via General / Table / Private Chat
*How to use the chat feature?
Manage Chat conversations (e.g. Delete or Export* Conversations)
*export chat can only happen in Conversation Mode
*To learn more, click here

Mute other People (in Conversation & Presentation Mode)

Lock a Table
Remove Guests from Event Space

Make Announcements
Share Screen during Conversation Mode
 Learn how to, click here
Use the Whiteboard during Conversation Mode
*Click here to learn more about Miro whiteboard
Manage the Timer (in Conversation & Presentation Mode)
Shuffle Guests during 
Conversation Mode

Start / Finish a Presentation
*Learn more, Click here

Join / Leave the Presentation Stage freely
Raise Hand during a Presentation

Share Screen during Presentation Mode
Ask a Question during a Presentation
Delete a Question / Set as Answered

Record a Presentation

Download Guest List see here how to

Download Question List
*Learn more on what you can download after your evenhere

Download Presentation Mode Recordings

Extend the Time of the Event

Guests can become 'Attendees on Stage' during a presentation if invited by an Account Owner or Team Member

Account Owners and Team Members can also attend other events (as Guest) using their account

Learn more about the detailed differences between an Account Owner and a Team Member here